
Operation “Datum Prosecution”

MH-60R Seahawk

20-34 N /120-11 E

1400 hours

Overcast, Hazy

Break the Chinese naval blockade of Taiwan.

China has declared a naval blockade of Taiwan and has threatened to sink any vessels attempting to break the blockade. ROE is weapons tight unless the Chinese present an imminent and immediate threat.

Your Perry class frigate, the USS Thach, has gained a sonar contact and classified it as Possub – possible submarine. The Thach will report circular error probabilities (CEP) positional data on its Possub contact as they are developed. Employ your aircraft, Hawkeye 212, to reacquire the firgate’s sonar contact and develop a track. If the contact is classified as a Chinese submarine and the ROE has been changed to weapons free, then the submarine is to be engaged before it is able to attack either the frigate or the cargo ship.