
Operation “African Bees Nest”


Curts FFG38
(Oliver Hazard Perry)

13-24 N /016-14 W

1600 hours

Clear, Quiet Sea

Navigate the Gambia River to the open waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

While on a port visit deep into the smallest African nation, The Gambia , a coup d’etat has broken out. You have been ordered to set sail immediately for the safety of the Atlantic Ocean. The Gambian Navy will be mining the entrance to the Gambia River at 1830.

The Gambian Navy uses white Boghammer patrol craft. They will allow you passage and should not be engaged. However, the insurgents using blue colored patrol boats would like nothing better than to damage or destroy a U.S. naval vessel. These boats will be ladened with explosives – do not let them near your ship. You are authorized to engage the insurgents.

There will be lots of commerical traffic in the river returning to port. Do not mistakenly engage any of these ships, which will create a very bad diplomatic incident.